Repair or Replace: Things to Consider

Should I Repair or Replace My AC?: Six Things to Consider

August 31, 2020

In the cold depths of winter or high heat of summer, you want your HVAC system to work properly and reliably. A malfunctioning furnace, heat pump, or air conditioner leaves you with two choices — repair or replace the system. The following information can help you decide whether to make repairs or invest in a new HVAC system.

1. Age: How old is your A/C system?

Depending on whether it has been properly maintained, an HVAC system should last around fifteen years before it needs to be replaced. If your older air conditioner is failing and you're faced with a steep repair, making a replacement is probably a better option.

Remember, though — age isn't the only criteria you should use to make the decision to replace your HVAC system. If your A/C equipment still works well, has been maintained, and is in generally good condition, then minor repairs could keep it going longer and save you the cost of a full replacement.

2. Condition: Has your heating and cooling system received regular maintenance?

The condition of your HVAC system will depend on many things, such as whether or not it has received regular maintenance, whether there are any outside factors that could affect its condition (such as flooding that reached the equipment), or general neglect.

Is HVAC maintenance necessary?

Regularly scheduled HVAC maintenance appointments, including A/C tuneups, are an essential part of keeping your air conditioner and furnace in good shape. An HVAC technician may be able to spot issues before they become bigger problems, ensuring a longer lifespan for your home comfort system.

A beat-up system that's just barely hanging on could, in some cases, even be dangerous. If your heating or cooling equipment is in poor shape, replacing it should be a priority.

3. Size: Is your HVAC system the right size for the space?

If your current air conditioner was incorrectly sized at installation, or if you've made upgrades to increase your home's efficiency since the A/C was installed, you could be wasting energy. A new HVAC system, properly sized by Lozier’s Des Moines heating and cooling experts, will keep you more comfortable, cost less to operate and experience less frequent breakdowns than your existing over- or under-sized unit.

4. Efficiency: Are you wasting money on an inefficient air conditioner?

If there has been an unexplained jump in your heating or cooling expenses, it could mean your HVAC system is losing efficiency. As your air conditioner gets older, it will continue to use more energy to perform the same level of cooling, and it will become costly to operate. A maintenance tuneup could be all you need to restore efficiency, but if not, consider replacing the system with a newer high-efficiency model.

Is high-efficiency HVAC worth it?

Although a brand new A/C system is a large investment, consider how much it costs to operate your current, inefficient unit every month. Choosing an energy-efficient replacement could save you 20 percent on your cooling bills, making the investment worth it in the long run.

If energy efficiency is a top priority for you, consider installing a solar-ready air conditioner. These units are designed to adapt to modern solar home comfort systems, and they offer high potential cost savings when compared to older, traditional A/C systems.

5. Repair Costs: How much are you willing to spend on a failing system?

There will be a time when it simply won't be worth investing any more in fixing your failing air conditioner or furnace.

How much does it cost to fix an A/C?

The cost to repair an air conditioner depends on which parts need to be repaired or replaced. Even smaller repairs can start to add up. Once repair costs add up to about half the cost of a new system, it's time for a replacement.

6. Leaky Ducts: Have you noticed a difference in your airflow?

Before you assume your discomfort and high energy bills are being caused by a malfunctioning heating and cooling system, consider the important role the ductwork plays. If airflow is blocked or leaks to unconditioned spaces, a quick inspection and repair by a technician could set the problem right. In this case, it's much more cost effective to repair ducts than to replace the A/C or furnace.

Lozier Has Your Solution for A/C Repair or Replacement

Once you’ve carefully considered whether A/C repair or replacement is the best option for your home, Lozier Heating and Cooling is available to help you take the next step. To get started or for more help deciding what’s best based on your unique situation, contact Lozier Heating and Cooling online, send our team a text at (515) 393-4262 or give us a call today at (515) 267-1000.