air conditioner smells bad.

What Odor is Coming From Your Air Conditioning Vents?

August 19, 2019

As the weather continues to heat up and our air conditioners are working in overdrive, there are a number of things that could make an HVAC system get out of balance. One easy way homeowners can tell something is off, is by noticing the air conditioner smells bad. If you’re noticing a strange odor coming from the air conditioning vents, we’re here to give you an idea of what’s wrong with your unit.

Why Does The Air Conditioner Have a Burning Smell?

Have you noticed a smokey or burning smell in the home, but no fire alarms are going off and there’s nothing cooking in the kitchen? The burning odor could be coming from your air conditioner, and it could mean there’s an electrical problem that needs to be addressed! When an air conditioning system is overheating or there’s a wiring issue, it could be a potential fire hazard. If you notice a burning smell coming from your A/C, turn it off to prevent overheating and schedule an HVAC inspection for a technician to look over all the wiring and parts malfunctions that could be causing the issue.

Why Is There a Musty Smell From The Air Conditioner?

This type of odor coming from the air conditioning vents could be a sign of mold, dust or mildew. An abundance of dust is an easy fix, since most HVAC companies offer ductwork cleaning services. Making sure every part of your heating and cooling system is maintained and performing smoothly will prevent any bad air conditioner smells.

On the other hand, if you’re experiencing excess moisture in your home, your unit could be collecting and producing mold and mildew within your ductwork. When this happens, your A/C ducts could be spreading those spores throughout the air in your home, which can be hazardous to your health. To avoid musty smells coming from your A/C and keep your home as clean as possible, ask a technician to clean the vents. Additionally, homeowners should consider investing in a home air purification system. Our air purifiers kill bacteria, allergens and other dangerous particles that can be found indoors. Lozier Heating and Cooling even has an air purifier with UV lights that kill mold and mildew before they can be spread through the air ducts.

Why Does The Odor Coming From Your A/C Vent Smell Like Sewage?

If you’re noticing your air conditioner smells bad like sewage, it could be a sign of issues in other aspects of the home. A leak or crack in plumbing could lead to a sewage scent if those cracked pipes are close to your A/C ductwork. The ducts could spread the sewage smell throughout the entire home if the problem isn’t fixed quickly.

Why Does Your Air Conditioning Vent Smell Like Garbage?

Even though you’ve recently taken out the trash, you notice your home still smells a little funky. If there’s an odor coming from your A/C that smells like rotten garbage or urine, you could have a dead animal in your air ducts. Pests can sneak in through different pipes, and if they’ve taken a wrong turn into an HVAC system or got stuck in the vents, you might need to remove them from the ductwork.

What Is The Stale Smell Coming From The A/C?

Does the air feel a little stale within your home? Sometimes you can fix this issue simply by making sure your space gets a bit of fresh air by opening a window or keeping the air moving with a fan. There’s not much to worry about when it comes to your air conditioning system, your unit is most likely cycling around the stale air. Just remember to open a window and regularly circulate fresh air from outside.

Contact Lozier If You Need A/C Service or Your Air Conditioner Smells Bad

Our goal is to educate homeowners on all things involved in HVAC maintenance and repair. If you are noticing an issue with their A/C or there’s a strange odor coming from the air conditioning vents, it’s best to get it checked by a professional. We’ll be able to run a full diagnosis on your heating and cooling system and let you know what’s wrong. Set up an appointment for A/C service with Lozier Heating and Cooling, or give us a call at (515) 267-1000.